Sabina's Profile


Student Number: s386637

My name is Sabina Maharjan. I live in NSW and have been residing in Australia for the last 13 years. My home country is Nepal. I am Hindu and the language I speak at home is Nepalese, besides this I can speak Hindi and of course English. I am studying Bachelor of Security Studies at Macquarie University. I am a very spontaneous and creative person. In my leisure time, I like to do handcrafts and I have self-taught paper quilling by watching YouTube videos.

Talking about IT, I do not have an IT background though I am an active technology user. My interest started ever since Apple launched the iPhone, to be honest. I like the application and convenience that the iPhone has provided in my busy life and I always wondered how those applications are created and connect with other devices through one iCloud system. I like to analyze and resolve more hardware issues. Even at home or work, I find myself trying to resolve technical problems and researching things online. I have not thought about computer programming and developers. So, taking Introduction to IT as a part of my Bachelor Degree of Security Studies will not only enhance my degree but also give insights and grow my interest.

Personality Tests

Myers-Briggs Test

The test shows that I have an “Assertive Advocate” personality type. Some of the ‘Advocate’ traits are resourceful, creative, and motivated. Assertive individuals aim for a goal and want a successful result and won’t let nervousness color the path to their accomplishments. This personality type does not spend time thinking about their past actions or choices, what’s done is done for them.

Learning Styles Test

This test shows that my primary learning style is Kinesthetic style which means learning through hands-on experience. The characteristic of this learning is exploring the environment and experiencing it by doing work rather than textbook learning. Enjoy classes with physical experiments and appreciate opportunities to go on field trips.

Team Role Test

I took this test to find out which team role suits me best. According to this test, I got selected for 9 roles: Executive, Explorer, Innovator, Analyst, Driver, Chairperson, Completer, team Player and Expert. Out of 100 percent, I got 14% on Innovator, Driver, Team, and Expert. Out of these 4, I would pick myself as a Driver and Innovator. The reason for this is I have a strong imagination and desire to be original. I am ambitious and energetic. I can be a motivator and will challenge others at crucial times.

Some of the Myers-Brigg Test does match with my personality. I see myself helping others as a purpose of my life, stand for what is right and believe in karma. I am self-assured, resistant to stress and aim for goals and successful results. I do not think too much about my past actions and choices, what is done is done. I am a reserved person and find it difficult to open up. Very sensitive and if someone challenges my principle and values then I can react strongly which creates conflict and misunderstanding. So, I try to understand other points of view and think again before reacting. I learn from my mistakes and try to avoid repeating the same mistake again. So, the above personality test let me understand my strength and weakness more in depth, polish myself and grow within. It will help my team to know me a bit more and collaborate seamlessly with each other to achieve our goal successfully. I am a team player and do not like to let my team down. I work hard and resource myself with required information to achieve our goal. The test is just to get an idea of which areas appeal to ourselves, capabilities and understanding of why we prefer certain things than others. So, let's not be overwhelmed or carried away with those qualities and show our capabilities and be optimistic.

Ideal Job

The job application that I found in is about Financial Crimes/ AML Solution Consultant & Implementer. It’s about analyzing and investigating fraud and crime which sounds interesting.It requires banking background and knowledge in the areas of Financial Crimes and AML Compliance. Should be keen on questioning the mind and analyzing data for hidden information. Experience with regulatory practices within the financial services industry including AML, AUSTRAC and FATCA.Additional skills of some programming knowledge like Java and database analytical skills using SQL.I have a banking background and acquire some knowledge around AML and FATCA. However, I am not specialized in data analysis and programming knowledge. So, I would like to gain basic programming knowledge and analytical skills of SQL.